Dinesh Agrawal

Dinesh Agrawal is Senior Advisor (CSR/Sustainability/Resettlement) & Ex-General Manager (BE) , NTPC, New Delhi. Here, he had previously served as General Manager (CSR) and Head (CSR). Dinesh is responsible for planning and implementation of CSR programs for NTPC stations across India. He formulated the CSR Community Development policy and set-up NTPC Foundation. Under his leadership, NTPC was bestowed with ICC-UNEP Award for Sustainable Development Partnerships, Platts Business week Award for best Community Development Program of the year 2002 & 2005 at USA, TERI’s CSR Award, Golden Peacock global CSR award – Portugal, etc.

Dinesh is on the expert group of International Standard Organisation on framing ISO 26000 and on national committee of Bureau of Indian Standard on framing standard similar to ISO 26000 and SA 8000.

During 1994-2003, Dinesh framed policies at on Rehabilitation and Resettlement (R&R) and guided socio-economic surveys & impact assessments, formulated R&R plans with government agencies, NGOs and the project affected persons (PAPs). Previously, Dinesh coordinated Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) studies and Environmental Management Plans (EMP) for 15 power projects and facilitated environmental clearances from statutory agencies. He coordinated the Integrated EIA study of Singrauli Region conducted by EdF, France in 1988 and took the initiative of conducting Ecological Monitoring using satellite imagery in 1991.

Dinesh holds a Bachelor of Technology degree in Mechanical Engineering from GB Pant University, Pantnagar. He attended a course on Hydropower and Environmental organised by International Centre for Hydropower at Norway. Dinesh has authored extensively on environmental and resettlement issues. He contributed to development of course material on ‘Resettlement’ for Indira Gandhi National Open University. He has presented papers at UNIPEDE Conference at Hamburg – 1993, The World Bank Conference at New Delhi – 1996, World Sociological Conference at Rio de Janeiro, etc.