Taranjot K Gadhok

Ms. Gadhok is a former senior fellow at the Human Settlement Management Institute (HSMI) in New Delhi, where she researches and develops course material for training programs. At HSMI, she has conducted many training programmes on sustainable urban development and urban environment management as well as on disaster mitigation deriving linkage between environment degradation and natural disasters. She is currently developing a curriculum on healthy cities for urban managers and workers at the grass root level in the local bodies under WHO. She has been instrumental in creating collaborations between her institute and many international bodies (UN, UNCHS,ADPC,DFID, WHO) for carrying out their programmes in the country. She was also involved in drafting Urban Policy for the government of India.

Ms. Gadhok has a Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering and a Master’s degree in Structural Engineering, both from Punjab University. In addition, she studied computer-aided design in Nottingham University’s Department of Planning in the United Kingdom.

She has many publications to her credit on the areas of disaster mitigation and urban risks. Her main interest has been in the area of water harvesting and recycling as critical issue in urban environment management.