Dr K G Saxena

Krishna Gopal Saxena is a Professor at Jawaharlal Nehru University in the School of Environmental Sciences, where he teaches research and technology development with a focus on opportunities and constraints in the use of natural resources for sustainable development. He has been involved in number of environment and development activities as a researcher and lecturer, and also as coordinator of a program on sustainable development of rural ecosystems. He is interested in the enhancement of scientific knowledge about how to include environmentally sound socioeconomic development in ecologically fragile and economically marginal areas such as mountainous and arid regions.

K.G. Saxena has a Ph.D. from North-Eastern Hill University, Shillong. His thesis was entitled: ‘Studies on the Eco-physiology of Early Successional Plant Populations of Jhum Fallows’. In addition, he has participated in numerous training courses: ‘Biofuels, Bioproductivity, and Photosynthesis” (United Nations Environmental Program); ‘Application of Digital MSS and Thematic Mapper Data for Quantification of Agricultural and Forest Resources’ (Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay); ‘Management of Soil Fertility in the Tropics’ (Tropical Soil Biology and Fertility Program, Nairobi).