Sudha Nair

Dr Sudha Nair majored in Botany and was awarded a doctorate in Microbial Biotechnology in the year 1990. She served at the M S Swaminathan Research Foundation for more than 18 years in various capacities and stepped down last year.

She is currently the Senior Vice Chairperson of the Golden Jubilee Biotechnology Park for Women, Society, in Chennai, India – the first Park set up for women entrepreneurs in the area of Biotechnology. She also works as an Independent Consultant in the area of S&T and innovation for Society. She serves on several National and International Boards, and as a trustee in Independent Organizations and NGO’s.

She is a member for the Gender Advisory Board of the UN Commission for Science and Technology for Development and an EB member of the OWSD for the Asia Pacific Region. She is recognised at the National and International level for her work in the area of Gender, Science and Technology – both at Policy and program implementation level. She has been conferred with many national awards for her scientific work and has a good publication record. She has guided several students for their postgraduate and doctoral work.