Anil P Tambay

Anil Tambay has 26 years of management experience and is currently Country Director at International Charity, Marie Stopes International in Tanzania since July 2015. Earlier, he was Country Director in Bangaladesh from July 2009. Before joining Marie Stopes, he worked for 2 years as Oxfam GB’s Regional Programme Development & Support Manager for East Asia, based in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Previously, he was Country Director for Oxfam GB in Bangladesh for 3 years. He has also worked for 12 years at BAIF Development Research Foundation, Pune, a leading NGO in India; where he was Vice President at the time of leaving.

Anil is very focused on Rural Poverty Alleviation and related developmental issues since the last 20 years. He began his career as a field engineer on off-shore oil rigs in the North Sea offshore the UK. He then worked with the Tata Administrative Service in India for three years before deciding that it would be more fulfilling to work in the field of rural and community development. During his graduate studies, he had been associated with a voluntary organisation working with Adivasis (tribals) in Thane district near Mumbai. In addition, his interest in trekking made him aware of the conditions in parts of rural India. Anil has a master’s degree in business management (MBA) from the Jamnalal Bajaj Institute of Management Studies in Mumbai and a bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi.