Yedla Padmavathi

Y Padmavathi presently working as Chief of Field office at UNICEF, Katsina, Nigeria. She has served as Chief of Field Office, UNICEF for helping war prone Children in Afghanistan. She also worked as Zonal Director for Save the children UK, an organization working for Children. This is an international NGO who have done pioneering work on children’s issues. She manages a team at zonal level and is a part of the senior management team. Her responsibilities include policy analysis, strategic planning, advocacy and influencing key stakeholders for creating better world for children.

Previously, she was involved in women’s empowerment project, to promote rural women’s health education and access to natural resources. She has been also involved in the Poverty Alleviation Project of UNDP in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Her interests include gender and development issues and the development of alternative models of livelihood congruent with sustainable development. Her Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry is from Delhi University, and her Master’s degree in Social Work is from Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi. She also has a Post Graduate Diploma in Marketing Management.