Shikhu Phutoli

Phutoli Chingmak is currently the Managing Director of Eleutheros Christian Society based at Tuensang. She is also the co-founder of the organization. She has delivered lectures at home and abroad on HIV/AIDS and Drug addiction, Women and Economic development etc. She was also involved in UNDCP ROSA and Ministry of Social Justice India as a ‘site-investigator’ for research on ‘The Availability and Consumption of Drugs’ in the borders of India and Myanmar.

Phutoli has been instrumental in promoting in developing the ‘Self Help Groups’ movement in Nagaland. To her credit, there are more than 400 SHGs operational in the state of Nagaland. She has facilitated a number of training on micro credit, mother & child health, enabling environment etc. Currently, she is working with FHI/USAID on the project on ‘Comprehensive Care of PLHA/OVC in the community.’

Phutoli is also a member of the Steering Committee of Nagaland Environment Protection and Economic Development (NEPED) Organisation, which is an autonomous body of the state of Nagaland jointly funded by Govt. of Nagaland and Indian Canadian Environmental facility (ICEF CIDA). She is a social worker from varied fields of education.

She has obtained her Bachelor of Arts degree from NEHU (North Eastern Hill University), Bachelor of theology (Senate of Serampore University) and a Masters degree (M.Div.) from Asian Theological Association accredited by Mysore University. She was rewarded Gold Medal for her contribution in the field of HIV/AIDS and Development in 2004 by His Excellency Shri Shymal Datta Governor of Nagaland, India.