Surya Prasad Acharya

Mr. Acharya has been working in the Nepalese Administrative Service for almost two decades. In the past, he served in the capacity of Planning Officer and Local Development Officer to different District Development Committee offices and Executive Officer to the Municipality under the Ministry of Local Development HMG/Nepal. Similarly Mr. Acharya served as EC funded Rural Development Project to Nepal as National Co-Director for a period of three and half years. Further he worked with an IFAD funded Poverty Alleviation Project to Nepal as Project Coordinator for a period of two years. He has represented the local institutions and rural development projects on different national, international, workshops, seminars and meetings. He experienced in the field of local governance, participatory planning process, project management and local environmental management.

He attained the Master’s Degree in Political Science from the Tribhuvan University, Nepal, with a Bachelor’s Degree in Law. Furthermore, he accomplished the Post Graduate Course on Poverty Alleviation and Post Conflict Reconstruction from the Victoria University of Manchester, UK, and he has participated the training programme on Advanced International Training on Local Environmental Management – a Multi Sectoral Approach to Agenda 21 and Sustainable Development, from Life International Foundation for Ecology, Sweden and Malaysia.

Currently, Mr. Acharya has been working in the capacity of Under Secretary and In charge of Information, Publication and Documentation Section of Ministry of Local Development, Nepal. He has been decorated with an award of Praval Gorkha Dakshin Bahu (forth). In addition these he has published different articles on new dimension of development, and social issues in the periodicals and national news papers. Moreover, He is serving as a member of editorial board for a trimester magazine Swashasan, the Journal of Self Governance & Rural Development, an official publication of Ministry of Local Development in Nepal.