Krishna V Kulkarni

Mr Kulkarni has been working in the field of Environment and CSR from quite long and is also leading the task of preparing and publishing Corporate Sustainability Report as per GRI 2002 and G3 guidelines at Sesa Goa Ltd. from past three years.

During his tenure at M/s. Kirloskar Ferrous Industries Ltd., he led the task of implementing and getting certified for ISO: 14001 Environment Management
Systems. Learnt the system requirements, trained all the employees and got the organization certified to ISO: 14001 EMS through third party (IRQS) in a record time of 12-15 months.

In his third year of college, he participated in the Inter collegiate Youth Festival and staged an One Act Play held at Karnataka University campus, Dharwad and won the first prize, the same was nominated for South Zone Inter University Youth Festival, held at Tiruchinapalli.
Presently, he is working at M/s. Sesa Goa Ltd., and leading the major tasks like Sustainability Reporting as per GRI G3 guidelines apart from many other initiatives like, getting environmental clearances for new and upcoming
projects, implementation of HSE software, etc.