Dr. Indrila Guha

Dr. Indrila Guha is an Associate Professor in Economics in Vidyasagar College for Women, Kolkata & Visiting Researcher in Global Change Program, Jadavpur University. Her field of Interest includes Environmental Economics and Quantitative Techniques in Economics. She was the Principal Investigator of the Project Estimation of Tourism Demand in Indian Sundarbans and its contribution to local economy sponsored by The South Asian Network for Development and Environmental Economics (SANDEE).

She is also advisor to WWF Eastern India on their Sundarbans Program. She was Case Study Team Leader in the `Developing an integrated framework for science policy interactions towards enhanced management of coastal systems in South Asia project of Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research (APN). Apart from this she is also the country ambassador for SSWG of Society for Conservation Biology (SCB), USA, member of INSEE (Indian Society for Ecological Economics) and ISEE (International Society for Ecological Economics. She has been selected by CDKN (Climate and Development Knowledge Network) in their Expert Roster.

She is now Principal Investigator of an UGC sponsored project (Major) which deals with Sea level rise and displacement of residents in a island in Sundarbans. She is also involved in a project funded by Asia pacific network (APN): Coastal Ecosystem and Changing Economic Activities – Challenges for Sustainability Transition along Chinese and South Asian Coasts.