Ambuj Kishore

Ambuj Kishore works at ARAVALI as Programme Director, presently, he is also handling the responsibility of Executive Director. ARAVALI (Association for Rural Advancement through Voluntary Action and Local Involvement) is an autonomous organisation established by the Government of Rajasthan to promote voluntary action for socio-economic development and facilitate collaboration between Government and Voluntary Organisations in the state. He is responsible for managing the programmatic, administrative and governance functions of the organisation.

He has over 13 years of experience in development sector working with diversified development organisations such as CAPART, Tarun Bharat Sangh (a grassroot organisation pioneer in working on community-based water and forest conservation work in Alwar, Rajasthan), Rajiv Gandhi Foundation and ARAVALI.

Mr. Kishore has Post Graduate Diploma in Rural Development from Xavier Institute of Social Service, Ranchi, Jharkhand and has done a Certificate Course in Project Management by HIFAB International AB, Stockholm (Sweden) supported and funded by Sweden International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA), Sweden. He had also attended a Video Camera Training Workshop hosted by Environmental Investigation Agency, U.K. at Mumbai.