Neha Sinha

Neha Sinha is a Delhi-based conservationist, with a specialisation in environmental policy. After being a journalist for five years with The Indian Express, Neha quit mainstream journalism to study conservation science. She was awarded the INLAKS scholarship to study a Masters in Science in Biodiversity Conservation and Management at Oxford University. Her thesis was on villagers’ perceptions on tiger extinction with livestock depredation in Rajasthan, for which she won the Mansfield College Graduate Travel Fund.

Neha works with the Bombay Natural History Society as Advocacy and Policy Officer. Her work centres around creating policy, environmental decision-making, securing Important Bird Areas, and community conservation programmes in states like Nagaland and Manipur. Neha is an environmental columnist, and her work appears regularly in The Hindu, Economic and Political Weekly, and the India Today Group.

She is also the Honorary Secretary of the Indian Youth Climate Network, where she works with a range of professionals to underline links between climate change and biodiversity loss. She studied an undergraduate degree in English Literature at St. Stephen’s College, Delhi.