Debartha Banerjee

Debartha was not born with a golden spoon in his mouth but with something even better, Loads of love. He was born and brought up and did his schooling in Kolkata. With encouraging and supportive parents extra-curricular like sports and specially martial arts was a special interest. Interest in arts, a little bit of gardening and also extensive reading and travelling has been a part of his childhood. Later, he joined engineering and staying away from family in a hostel made him self-dependent, aspirational and also to have an opportunity to develop as an independent person. He also did good technical projects which also earned prizes in national level tech fests. He joined Tech Mahindra as software engineer in a telecom domain, worked for couple of years which have been invaluable to establish himself as a professional.

After two years of working though there was excellent professional growth there was a sense of fulfillment and an interest to contribute for environmental protection and social justice. Just volunteering for NGOs was not really helping. He was also an entrepreneur at heart, thus, the idea of studying social entrepreneurship at TISS seemed to be a better option than doing a regular management degree. TISS has been a life changer where he met inspirational people and his mentors for a lifelong journey.

After completing his Masters, he started his entrepreneurial journey with two of his batch mates. Two years at TISS were mostly to understand waste-management closely, find deeper relationships with it, figuring out and testing solutions. They set their first waste processing plant at TISS while they were still students which captured a lot of media attention (later it was part of Satyamev Jayte too) and also instilled confidence. He has also developed a keen interest in spirituality and meditation lately and has developed stronger faith in the goodness of love and faith. They have spent three years operationally and now have team of almost 100 people directly and indirectly employed with them. They have been able to create news nationally and internationally and have been awarded at many forums. They have also been able to attract investments, clients, develop a team and show significant impact numbers and possibility to scale