Sethrichem Sangtam

Sethrichem is the founder and Managing Director of Better Life Foundation, NGO based in one of the most remote and backward areas within Nagaland state. In 2009, he voluntarily gave up H1B (USA) work visa and founded Better Life Foundation. BLF, focuses critical social issues like rural livelihood security, employment and environment sustainability, nurture youth, community leaders and strengthen communitization initiative and promote innovative social enterprises. He was member of Global Youth Advisory Panel to the United Nations Population Fund in 2007-08. As part of the team prepared UN Regional Youth Policy Strategy paper for 2008-2011.

After implementation of demonstration farms on low chilling variety Apples in 10 villages in 2013 and trained 16 farmers to manned the demo fields. At present, he has adopted 12 villages covering almost 500 acres (target 700 acres) sponsored by NABARD. The initiative focus on to reduce the area of Jhum cultivation (slash and burn shifting cultivation) by introducing environment friendly and more productive alternate livelihood option. He strongly emphasize in skilling the farmers to raise nurseries and grafting to sustain. He also incorporated activities like sweet potatoes as an alternate for mulching in between the plantation and insulate the sapling root by red soil slurry before planting for 100% success.

He is staunch advocate to reduce Jhum cultivation practice and for conservation of Bio-diversity by reducing rampant hunting. BLF initiated community based awareness campaign as part of ENCAN (Eastern Nagaland Conservation Areas Network) in Sangtam dominated areas covering 60plus villages, where community made their own conservation rules. He also promoted environment sustainability campaign covering 4 states through Ethnic designers and singers as Ambassador. The final culmination was showcased during World Environment Day on 5th June 2014, in Shillong being sponsored and hosted by Government of Meghalaya. He volunteered with IGSSS sponsored youth program called SMILE (Student Mobilization and Initiative Learning through Exposure) and Youth Employment Summit, Global Campaign from 2004 to 2007 also interned with YES Inc. in Boston, for 3 months.

Sethrichem studied B.Com (Banking) and corporate laws from National Law School of India University, Bangalore.