Abhishek Bhardwaj

Abhishek, a very warm and collaborative sought-after finance professional, handles high pressure situations with ease. His out of the box thinking, far sightedness and excellent decision quotient enables him to take tough strategic decisions quickly and the lead the team to success. He has made some game changing innovations in the rural consumer banking industry like designing and launching a new financial loan product for the consumer segment at the bottom of the pyramid, across North India. Abhishek has redesigned the processes of rural retail loans, making them robust and watertight to prevent frauds, thereby giving his banking institution the ability to help more people in rural areas, with retail loans. He has also set up a risk management framework for rural loan and liabilities products for a start-up Bank from scratch. Always exploring new avenues in the rural space, he has launched an innovative payment solution for dairy and MFI sectors. His analytical skills have also won him a huge circle of people, who constantly look up to him for advice and suggestions. Through his innovations, he strives to bring more financial inclusion for people in rural India and at the bottom of the pyramid.

As a person Abhishek, is extremely strong willed, a go getter and loves kids. A balanced person, he can be defined as the mind of a banker and heart of a social crusader.