Dr. Alokeparna Sengupta

Dr. Alokeparna studied Architecture in M.S University Baroda, followed by Urban Management and Architectural Design in Domus Academy in Milan and later obtained a doctoral degree in Territorial Design and Governance from Polytechnic University of Milan, Italy.

Alokeparna has tutored students of architecture, urban design, and business design and has worked with architects, product designers, transportation researchers, basti dwellers, city officials, technocrats, planners and civil rights activists. Currently, she is a faculty member in the Jindal School of Art and Architecture, in Sonipat, Haryana and teaches foundation level courses on Spatial Thinking and Space and Place. Inclusion, equity, and removal of biases are very important for her and she tries to incorporate them in her daily life as well as her work. Her subjects of interest include political ecology of urban transport, neoliberal development, right to the city and the inclusive design of public places and streets. She enjoys walking through the narrowest of alleys, on flyovers, foot over bridges, and does ‘dolce far niente’ for hours in busy markets and quiet places. She is a compulsive phone photographer of everything she observes about urbanity, can stay up nights working on her woodcut printing and loves to sketch people while commuting to work in buses and metro.