Janjri Jay Jasani

Janjri graduated from the University of Edinburgh with a MSc. in Environmental Protection and Management and is currently working with the Centre for Environmental Research and Education (CERE) as the Head of Sustainability Services and CERE’s Carbon Map & CapTM program. Her interests center on Climate Change science, sustainable development & urban solutions to environmental issues. She is also interested in the role environmental education and systems thinking can play in facilitating solutions to local and global environmental issues. Since leaving school she has been a collegiate level fencer, programmed her own radio show – Lotus Beat, attended DISHA a UK-India program on leadership and has co-authored several books related to environmental education. Apart from being an active environmentalist, she also loves to teach and has been a regular guest lecturer at St. Xavier’s college in Mumbai and a part of the Youth Leading Environmental Change (YLEC) program. In her free time, she loves to read, hang out with her pet Beagle – Lenny and watch educational YouTube videos on science, physics and astronomy. She is also an avid traveler and adventurer and has been certified as a PADI open water diver.