Nima Gurung

Ms. Nima Gurang after giving her final examination of Bachelor’s degree in December 1989, joined a first private school for teaching children and later she shifted in the Account Section of the school. She moved to CWSN in October 1997 started to work for underprivileged children who did not have easy access to primary education and even primary health services in remote villages. Her organization CWSN established Day Care Health Centers with pre-primary education in the villages as piloting project in the country, benefitting children of all ages and improving the health and education of the community. Her organization also ran ICS (Improved Cooking Stove) program for more than 10 years through awareness and ICS installation in more than 85% households. Being the Program Manager, she played a vital role in mobilization of the community in remote villages and Technical Supports of CRTN (Centre For Rural Technology Nepal), Practical Action and Nepal Government’s Alternative Energy Promotion Board that linked with climate change, global warming and alternative energy technology too.

Till 1999, her city Pokhara was covered by migrated people from villages and street children her organization (well set up clinic known as Asha Clinic and JYOTI Vocational Training Centre) focused on projects and moved to communities like slums, street children and their families. She was the senior management/steering committee of the organization. She was Street Project Program Coordinator supported by Comic Relief, a UK based NGO (November 2011 to December 2016), she and her main task was to mainstream the street children in the society as well as prevention of children those were at risk. Ms. Nima Gurang, since 2017 is the the Program Coordinator of Protection & Development Program, which is a different module of the same project funded by UK based Charity organization Kidasha. She built liaison to the government agencies, planning, budgeting and reporting to all concerns and oversees day to day management, especially crisis management within the organization and involved in other social and government organizations as well.

Lastly, she wants to learn more about India through the LEAD India fellowship program. Since she was born in one of India’s army hospital, but could not grow up here as she went to Nepal in a very early age.