Purabi Sarkar

Ms. Purabi Sarkar has a Master’s degree in Computer Science & IT and Master in Business Administration from Indian Institute of Management (IIM K) and possesses more than 8 years of industry and consulting experience of working with organisations like Pricewaterhouse Coopers, General Electric, TCS and more. She specialises in strategy, marketing and entrepreneurship skills, techniques of alternative livelihoods and other methodologies. She is also one of the founder Directors of a Pan India NGO Association of Organic Farmers which works on grassroots level with farmers; Self-help groups; food value and nutrition; alternative livelihoods; organic food value; market strategy; supply chain techniques; sustainable agriculture; seed banks, education, entrepreneurship strategies and more. She has served many initiatives of reducing carbon footprints, breast cancer, eradicating malnutrition, leprosy and tribal students’ educational initiatives.

She also pursues teaching by being a guest faculty for strategic management, value chain analysis and microcredit, capacity building, entrepreneurship, leadership at various organisations NI-MSME, IIM and various other institutions. She is also part of few research and development projects. Currently she is also pursuing consulting with State Administration of Pithoragarh, Uttarakhand to help in doing the handholding of different self-help groups, establishing value chain for their products, market linkage, market research, MSP validation, quality control and thereby help in sustainable livelihoods in different remote villages. She is also trying to help in ecotourism and sustainable development over there in village homestays development, resurrecting the ancient heritage and route related to Kailash Mansarovar yatra.