Anna Kalisch

Ms. Anna Kalisch has been working for Deutsche Gesellschaft Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) since 2009 focusing on rural development, sustainable natural resource management and climate change adaptation. In 2011 Anna shifted from GIZ head office in Germany to New Delhi and since then she is coordinating the Climate Change Adaptation in Rural Areas of India-project which is being implemented in the partner states of Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu and West Bengal. Anna is responsible for the overall project management (finance, human resources, monitoring) and liaison with internal and external stakeholders (government counterparts at national and state level, non-government organizations, academia). Further, she is involved in Capacity Building initiatives for Climate Change Adaptation, in testing and further development of methods like Climate Proofing, Vulnerability Assessment, and documenting learning from experiences.

Anna holds a diploma in Geography (equivalent to MSc Geography) from the Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University in Frankfurt, Germany. During her studies Anna focused on natural resources (hydrology, geology) and planning instruments like Geographical Information Systems. She has gained work experience in Africa, Europe and India in different fields and organisations, e.g. in a planning department and a private map data provider.