Ashish Rai

Ashish Rai lives and works in the holy city of Varanasi. His work area is predominantly in Health sector. His company Aarogyam is working in nine districts of Eastern Uttar Pradesh currently in association with William J Clinton Foundation for Diarrheal control and management. The program aims to reduce morbidity and mortality related to diarrheal disease among children under 5 years of age, through deployment of new and improved approaches to scale up Zinc and Oral Rehydration salts (ORS) for diarrhea treatment through both public and private sector channels in Uttar Pradesh. Ultimately, this program aims to reduce the burden of diarrhea on child health and increase child survival in India, and contribute to improved child health outcomes and provide actionable information for diarrhea treatment.

Aarogyam is also in process of initiating Telemedicine centers at block level in its working area and connecting it to a multispecialty hub in Varanasi thereby creating various verticals of livelihood in this health services model.

Synergic Clinical Research Pvt. Ltd. is a clinical research company based at Varanasi. SCR works in close association with Pharmaceutical and Medical institutions in the area of New Drug Development and delivery