C N Anil

After graduating from Tata Institute of Social Sciences in 1995, Mr. Anil chose to work in the North Eastern part of India. He began his career with a small NGO called Nagaland Gandhi Ashram in a small village in Nagaland after which he joined a World Bank aided Project in Tripura. He later took up an important assignment with the North East Region Community Resource Management Project (NERCRMP) of the Government of India and International Fund for Agricultural Development. During his professional commitment to this project spread across three states in the Eastern Himalayan biodiversity hot-spot of the northeastern region of India, he took up the leadership of contributing particularly in the natural resources management, community mobilization, coordination and networking, design and development of programs, and process of capacity development in collaboration with state governments, district administrations and councils and a number of successful NGOs and CBOs in the region. He has been instrumental in promoting SHGs and women thrif groups in the project areas.

On completion of this assignment at the NERCRMP, went on higher to work with the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) through which he continue to contribute productively and positively both in training, concept development and project implementation in the areas of environment and development, not only in the northeastern region of India but across the Hindu-Kush Himalaya region. In his present job have had the opportunity to travel extensive in the Hindu Kush Himalayan countries and have experience in looking activities in Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, India, Pakistan and Myanmar.

Mr. Anil is curently working for the United Nations development Programme in Afghanistan in the capacity of Regional Governance Advisor.

Mr. Anil have strong experience in Planning and implementation strategies, monitoring and evaluation of the current development initiatives in the HKH region. Initiating policy dialogues and participating as key trainer on various community Mobilization and Institutional programmes. Identifying project issues to be addressed through technical and institutional support; Planning and designing proposals for implementation support to projects; Designing a monitoring system (logframes, trigger indicators, proposed outputs and outcomes); Establishing and continuing linkages with an array of partners, i.e. project staff, government officials, policy makers, NGOs and private sector; Ensuring follow up and frequent communication with partners; Quality control of ongoing work in 5 countries (Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal and Pakistan); Writing documents (Annual Work Plan and Budget, Memorandum of Understandings, Terms of References, Progress reports, Supervision submissions); Making budgets and regular monitoring; Creating networks with and between partners; and Liasing with ICIMOD professionals.

He consider himself as a promise of future career of leadership in these areas bringing in notable impact among the people of the region. Mr. Anil is honest, hard working and committed with capacity for clear, creative, entrepreneurial and strategic thinking and ability to deliver, both in expression and action.

As a trainer and communication expert, he come with excellent inter-personal communication skills and a good comprehension of the English language both in written and oral abilities. He could further improve his personal and professional horizons to the best advantage of refining and sharpening his skills for self, the organization he is working in and the communities he live and work with.