Damandeep Singh

Damandeep Singh has primarily worked as a consultant and journalist on environment and climate change issues. He serves as the India Director of the Carbon Disclosure Project (www.cdproject.net), whose registration and expansion is underway. In September 2012, he wrapped up a major study to map the impacts of climate change on India (www.impactstoadaptation.org). The study was sponsored by the UK and Indian governments and was contracted to Environmental Resources Management (ERM) UK. In 2010 he served as a Senior Advisor to Worldwatch Institute and a Communications Consultant to The Climate Group.

He had worked as an Advisor to LEAD India, a Consultant with the Bureau of Energy Efficiency and Synergy Global. His assignments included liaising with the Media, preparing outreach as well as training materials for the marketing department. Daman has spent over two decades writing and researching on environment and development issues in India. He worked as an independent researcher and journalist primarily on environment and climate change issues, executing projects for ERM UK, Worldwatch Institute, The Climate Group, Bureau of Energy Efficiency and Suzlon. Prior to consultancy work, he was heading Research and Mission Programme Division of the National Geographic Channel in India for five years. He started his career as a journalist and has worked with The Times of India, The Pioneer, Business Standard and The Indian Express.