Dr. Ashwini Tikle

The Directorate of Pulses Development (DPD) is the National Head Quarter of pulses commodity under the crops division of the Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, (DAC&FW), New Delhi. Dr. Ashwini is fully involved for drafting the major documents, reports, extension bulletins etc., in this Directorate (http://dpd.gov.in/Publications.htm). She has earned her graduation in Agriculture (2006); Post-graduation in Food Science and Technology (2008) from Jawaharlal Lal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, Jalabalpur and Ph.D. in Home Science (2018) from Barkatullah University, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh. She started giving her services to her farmers’ society as a Technical Assistant through NFSM project in district level

since 2007 to 2009. She has registered 2 societies in 2016 under her chairmanship (Ist – Parivartan- Ek-Pahal and IInd one is STEPS –Society for Technical Education Promotion and Social Welfare) both are Agriculture and Social issues based.

Being a graduate of technical subjects in Agriculture her goal is focused on following major points:
i) Understanding the social behavior of women farmers and their present level of knowledge;
ii) Understanding the constraints which would be the barriers in awareness of technical knowledge of rural farming systems;
iii) Learning the process of better communication;
iv) Making efforts for skill development of women farmers of India;
v) Helping women farmers to upgrade their livelihood by using modern agricultural technology;
vi) Creation of self-help groups and imparting training programs in rural and tribal areas for upliftment of economic status.