Dr. Sudip Mitra

Sudip Mitra is currently the Head and full Professor at the School of Agro and Rural Technology and the founding head of the Centre for Disaster Management & Research at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Guwahati, Assam, India. A Nehru-Fulbright Fellow and Visiting Professor at the Keio University, Japan. He is a faculty member in the International Joint Masters and Ph.D. programs in Food Science and Technology for the Gifu University, Japan and IIT Guwahati. An elected member of the National Academy of Sciences, India (NASI). His research focuses on climate smart agriculture and the application of indigenous resources and technologies to improve soil quality and enhance agricultural productivity. He has guided 4 PhDs, and 13 more are currently working under his supervision. Serves as an Editorial Board member of PLOS Climate Journal. Edited two books published by Springer and published around 50 papers in peer reviewed journals (mostly Q1) and reports of international repute. Served as a task force member of the Ministry of Rural Development, DST- TIFAC on Climate Change and Agriculture. He conducted many Nationally and Internationally funded research projects like JICA, UNEP, GEF, World Bank, CIDA, GTZ, DST, DBT, UEF-Finland etc. He also worked as a consultant for the Inter Academy Council’s project on S & T in African Agriculture. More about Sudip is available here: www.iitg.ac.in/sudipmitra