Malvika Vohra

Ms Vohra is currently working as the Science Teacher at St. John’s International School, Waterloo, Belgium. Previously, she headed the Science Department of Vasant Valley School (VVS), New Delhi. She has documented the Tree Wealth of Lodi Gardens with Professor H.Y. Mohan Ram of Delhi University. She also worked on Scientific and Technological Literacy material for a UNESCO-CSEC (Centre for Science and Communication) Project.

In 2002, she initiated the Citizen’s Science program to sensitize students to scientific issues. She connected science with daily lives through talks on Nanotechnology and Bioinformatics, film shows on Environmental Issues and photo-exhibitions on people with HIV, examples – Dr. Elizabeth Burns’s workshop on integrating Science with Art, Pankaj Sekhsaria slide show on the Environmental and Tribal Issues related to the Troubled Islands of Andaman and Nicobar Islands, and Krishnendu Bose’s screening of his film, Tiger Chronicles. She organised a teleconference of students with Astronaut Sunita Williams and facilitated participation of students in a Science Summer School at the University of Melbourne.

She also led the HIV-AIDS Awareness Program and conducted training programs on Laws of Nature, Innovative Methods of Teaching and Assessments and Hands-on Science Teaching for Primary School Teachers. She was a resource person for the LEAD International Training program on Systems Thinking, Negotiation, Leadership and Team Building skills.

In 2006, she received 2nd prize in an International Conference on Cognitive Systems for the Best Teaching Practices Showcase by NIIT. She has conducted Performance Audits for the Science Departments of New Era Public School, New Delhi and Scindia School, Gwalior. In 2008, she was nominated as 2nd best teacher in the country in the Senior School category of the TCS Education World Teacher’s Awards. Malvika is a fellow of the Carnegie Hall -Weill Institute program.