Mamita Bora Thakkar

Mamita works with the WaterAid India as the Regional Coordinator for the Western Region. WaterAid is an International NGO, dedicated exclusively to the provision of safe drinking water, sanitation and hygiene promotion to the poorest people of the world. She is managing projects in 3 states of Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh, in India. These projects aim at integrating water, hygiene and sanitation, to maximise impact on poverty.

She began her career with the Centre for Environment Education, Ahmedabad, where she was involved in strengthening institutions at the local level to support the management of sustainable resources outside a wildlife sanctuary. She later joined VIKSAT, an NGO involved in the joint management of forests by the government and local communities where she was involved with impact assessment, research, training and documentation. She has also worked with the World Food Programme, in Gujarat, where she was primarily looking after NGO participation and mainstreaming gender. She has worked closely with an Indo-Dutch bilateral programme on Water and Sanitation, as a consultant of IWACO and was closely involved in the conceptualising phase of WASMO (Water and Sanitation Management Organisation, in Gujarat, which is woprking in the earthquake affected areas of Gujarat.

Mamita has a post graduate degree in Life Sciences with a specialization in environmental sciences.