Parag Ajit Rangnekar

Parag Rangnekar is an employee of Mineral Foundation of Goa, a charity organization set-up by the mining industry in Goa as a collective approach to address the environmental and social concerns of the community residing in the mining belt. His present work profile includes conceptualizing, formulating and implementing various social, environmental, infrastructural, watershed and community development programmes in the mining belt of Goa.

A post-graduate in Agriculture with specialization in Plant-Pathology, he has also earned a Masters degree in Ecology and Environment. He was awarded the Hexamer Foundation Gold Medal for standing first in the discipline of Plant-Protection in his University. At a very young age has been nominated on the Advisory Board of Society for Ecological Restoration India; Goa Board for Secondary and Higher Secondary Education to formulate the syllabus for Environment Education and Vivekanand Environment Awareness Brigade, a NGO working very actively in Goa. He is also a member of the Resource Persons Committee of WWF Goa Chapter. Has compiled a “Catalogue on the birds of Goa” for the WWF. As a part of the Mhadei Bachao Abhiyan, he has been actively involved in creating awareness about the ill-effects of the diversion of the Mhadei (Mandovi) River, which is planned by the neighbouring state of Karnataka.

His other interests include ornithology, environment education, conceptualizing watershed projects and photo-documenting the lesser-known fauna of the Western Ghats.

He has been nurtured in reputed institutions throughout his life. He completed his Levels in St. Mary Canossian College (Hong Kong) and graduated from Sophia Girls College (Ajmer) and got Masters in Social Work from Tata Institute of Social Sciences (Mumbai). Twice, he has received Best Outgoing Student Award.