Saroj Dash

Saroj Dash has worked in the field of Climate Change and Poverty for 20 years and joined Concern Worldwide in January 2011. As the Technical Coordinator- Climate Change, he has been leading the multi country program on Climate Change across Bay of Bengal region. Previously, he has worked with ActionAid International in Vietnam as the Thematic Manager and in Sri Lanka as the Team leader of the Tsunami response program. He has also worked in India extensively covering Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and Odisha region while working as the Senior Manager of ActionAid India and as the Executive Director of Siksha Sandhan, a resource centre established by Agragamee in Odisha. He has worked in the field in various capacities since 1993.

Mr Dash studied Environment Education from Centre for Environment Education in India under the Commonwealth Fellowship program and also obtained an advance certificate on Social Welfare Administration from Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai- India. He holds a Masters and Degree in Law from Utkal University, Orissa-India.