Somya Bhatt

Somya Bhatt is working as Technical Expert, Climate Change Adaptation in Rural Areas of India Natural Resource Management Programme with Deutsche Gesellschaft Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) on Climate Change Adaptation since October 2010. Her work is focused on areas around vulnerability assessments, testing and evaluating community based adaptation measures, state action plans on climate change, information and knowledge management and capacity development for adaptation to climate change. She is also a trained trainer on integrating climate change adaptation into development planning. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Zoology honors from Miranda House College Delhi University and Master’s degree in Environmental Studies from The Energy Resources Institute, Delhi. Prior joining GIZ Somya has worked for one year with an NGO (Centre for Social Markets) on climate policy and sustainability issues. She also has some experience in the area of urban transport management as continuation of her Master’s thesis working on the project ËœStrategic Energy Environment Impact Analysis of Public Transport system in Delhi and NCR” funded by Delhi government.