Suhasini Ayer Guigan

Suhasini Ayer-Guigan lives and works in Auroville, an international community in South India whose aim is human unity. After finishing architectural studies in the “Delhi School of Planning and Architecture” in 1985; she moved to live in Auroville. In 1987 with a few friends she established the “Auroville Centre for Scientific Research” to work on applied research in appropriate building materials and technologies, water management, renewable energy and solar passive / climatic architecture and planning. As the head the “Auroville Design Consultants” the Planning and Design wing of this organization, she undertakes large and small commercial, institutional and residential projects around the country integrating successfully these sustainable Planning, Design and Developmental principles and technologies.

She has received The International Hassan Fathy Award for one of the projects, which was later nominated for the Aga Khan Award ’95. The Housing and Urban Development Cooperation (HUDCO) of India has nominated Auroville Building Centre as the best building centre for three consecutive years. 3 of the school projects have been internationally awarded for their innovative design for educational spaces from Design Share USA