Dr Thomas Chandy, IFS

Thomas Chandy is a PCCF-cum-Principal Secretary in the Forest, Environment & Wildlife Management Department of the Government of Sikkim. He is responsible for policy review, supervision of development programmes and law enforcement in the department. He has been looking at participatory mechanisms in forest development and conservation with the objective of empowering the people to become responsible for sustainable forest management. He is also a member of important inter-departmental committees in the State Government such as the one on sustainable road construction, Sikkim Science Council etc. T. Chandy joined the Indian Forest Service in 1985, and joined the State Government of Sikkim in 1987 as an assistant conservator of forests. During 22 years with the Government of Sikkim, he has handled a variety of assignments in the areas of wildlife, soil conservation, environment and pollution control apart from territorial responsibilities.

He has a Master’s degree from Lucknow University (1981) and a diploma in forestry and allied subjects (1987). He is currently pursuing his Ph.D studies on the theme of “impact of climate change and socio-cultural changes resulting from developmental projects on forest use and conservation in Sikkim” at the University of Melbourne on an Australian Leadership Award scholarship of the Australian Government.