Upasana Choudhry

Upasana Choudhry is the South Asia head for Sustainability and Product Compliance at HP (one of the leading information technology companies). With an academic background in Social Work and in Development Studies, she has a cross sectoral work experience of nearly 20 years.

Upasana started her professional career with not-for-profit organisations where she was engaged with diverse social and environmental issues primarily in policy advocacy. Later in 2011, she transitioned to a role with corporate sector, where she has been responsible for planning and implementation of company’s product sustainability strategies. She has made notable contribution in the area of electronics waste management and extended producer responsibility based solutions in the country. In 2013, the Manufacturers Association for Information Technology recognized her contribution to the industry. She also holds key position on behalf of HP at various committees set up by industry associations and government departments.

Upasana is a CII-certified Sustainability Assessor and a GRI Certified Professional for Sustainability Reporting. Her expertise particularly lies in areas of waste management, resource efficiency, circular economy, supply chain responsibility, design for environment, corporate social responsibility and chemicals safety. She has field tested the Integrated Solid Waste Management (ISWM) framework developed by WASTE Netherlands; as well as undertook research on radioactive waste in India.