Vidya Nair

Vidya Nair, has over fifteen years of work experience in India and outside. Having worked with corporate, consulting, civil society organization and school, she brings with her an experience and appreciation for multiple perspectives and sensitivity towards working in a multicultural environment. She draws her strength from continuing to be a keen learner throughout her professional experiential journey in sectors ranging from education, overseas volunteering, active citizenship, health care, resettlement and rehabilitation and waste management. Her adaptability and willingness to wear different hats reflects in a wide range of professional roles she has engaged in, ranging from primary and secondary social research, social impact assessments, proposal and report writing, planning and implementing communication campaign and outreach programs. She works at The Mother’s International School, Delhi in developing an experiential space for children to engage and learn about the world around them. She researches, develops learning materials and activities; and facilitates learning.

Beyond cognitive development, the initiative finds its strength in integrating mental, physical, and emotional development in children. At LEAD India, as a team member, she works on building new partnerships, proposal development, and LEAD Fellowship related planning, and execution. She holds a Masters degree in Sociology, loves travelling, exploring diverse culture, yoga, sports, swimming, designing spaces and art